The first step in making your plan for long-term care is estimating how much that care will cost. You can do it in 6 easy steps! We'll walk you through the whole thing - let's get started.

Step 1: Find your state's average cost for long-term care.

Click or tap here to use Genworth's comprehensive cost estimator. Enter your city, state, or zip code or click on a state for help narrowing down a location. Here's what you'll see:

Step 2: Study the chart that shows your location's average annual care costs.

We selected our location of Roseville, California. Once you enter a location, you'll see average costs below the map - you can change whether they're shown in hourly, daily, monthly, or annual amounts.

If you're not absolutely sure where you'll retire, you can check out the cost comparison on a location-by-location basis. Click "Compare Location" and enter a second location to compare. For this example, we'll compare Roseville, California and Phoenix, Arizona.

Step 3: Check out the difference in price between your options.

In this example, there's a huge difference between the cost for a nursing home in California and one in Arizona!

Next, you want to get an estimate of your daily costs—this is the number our agents will need when you get a long-term care quote. Select "Daily" to reset the cost estimates you see.

Step 4: Estimate how long it's going to be before you'll need care.

If you're 40 now and in good health, for example, you may not need care until you're 70. You can use the dropdown menu to select the number of years until you need care. Click "Calculate" to continue.

Step 5: Decide which type of care you want to insure yourself for.

For example, as you seen in the cost of care calculator, you can estimate your needs for in-home care, community living, assisted living, or nursing home care with a semi-private or private room.

Step 6: Call us at 800-823-4852 to get your free long-term care insurance quote.

Our licensed, friendly agents will ask you about the type of care you're interested in and your location. Since you've already estimated how much that care will cost, you're a step ahead!

Want a free quote for long-term care insurance?

Call us at 800-823-4852!